G-Dental 32

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5 Signs Telling It’s Time For a Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction is one of the most popular dental procedures in dentistry. It is the process of removing a patient’s wisdom teeth due to various reasons. By the time the procedure is over, the patient comes home with one less tooth at the back of their mouth. But which signs tell that it’s time for a wisdom teeth extraction procedure?

1. Causes Damage to Nearby Teeth

The growth of a wisdom tooth can affect the position or placement of the already permanent teeth. As a result, the eruption of another tooth in a crowded space can lead to pain, bite problems, and overcrowding.

The best solution to avoid further damage to the nearby teeth is by extracting or pulling out the unruly teeth causing the problem. Wisdom teeth extraction is an effective method of saving nearby teeth from premature decay and unwanted repositioning. Overall, it’s better to lose one tooth than to lose other good ones.

2. Jaw Damage

Jaw damage is a condition that affects a person’s jaw, alongside the jaw’s function and motion. The primary symptoms of the condition include pain and stiffness. But before the patient realizes the signs, it might be too late. Therefore, it’s vital to observe the common symptoms of jaw damage influenced by wisdom teeth. 

In some cases, wisdom teeth can grow within the jaw, affecting the overall performance of the bone while damaging the other teeth around the area. The condition limits a person’s ability to open and close their mouth, causing sharp pain while moving. However, in more severe cases, patients can grow cysts that hollow out the jaw bones and damage the nerves around them.

3. Sinus Problems

The unusual growth of a wisdom tooth can cause sinus problems in people. As it grows, the roots can pressure the maxillary sinuses—one of the four paranasal sinuses responsible for reducing skull weight, producing mucus, and affecting the tone quality of a person’s voice.

As a result, people may experience recurring headaches that lead to congestion in pain. The only solution for the problem is to remove the wisdom tooth responsible for the pressure on the maxillary sinuses to ease the pain.   

4. Sensitivity and Pain

Most patients do not realize that something is wrong with their wisdom teeth until they feel sharp pain. Since the issue starts small and undetectable, it’s almost impossible to prevent the conditioning from continuing. Therefore, it’s almost too late by the time comes—which makes it essential to keep track of how your teeth feel to catch the condition in its early stages. In that way, it will become easier to catch up and prevent it from getting worse.

5. Inflamed Gums

As part of oral health, gums also exhibit the most apparent signs when there are problems in a person’s mouth. Inflamed gums are a common sign that one of the teeth in a mouth currently experiences a problem or condition. Therefore, it’s vital to get your gums checked on the onset of the inflammation to prevent the situation from getting worse.


Although wisdom teeth can cause various problems to oral health, there are still instances wherein the extraction is not the only solution to the issue. For example, if the wisdom teeth are healthy, in the correct position, or fully erupted, there is no need to remove them. But if the symptoms mentioned arise, then it’s time to visit the best dentist in your area right away.

G-Dental 32 aims to deliver the best dental care services in Denver. Our team of the best dentists in town aims to promote the beauty of teeth care and make people understand how important it is. On the other hand, we also offer dental services like wisdom teeth extractions for people needing help with their pearly whites. Visit our website today and make an appointment for a visit.