What Happens at a Teeth Cleaning?
There are several things that happen at your regular dentist appointments.
Your smile is important not just to your physical appearance but also to your overall health, and you’ve probably heard as much before from dentists and researchers alike. An important part of keeping your teeth in tip-top shape is scheduling regular dental checkups, but just what does that entail? What does the dentist do at a regular teeth cleaning or check-up that you can’t do at home?
Take Dental X-Rays
X-rays aren’t taken at every dental appointment, but they are taken on a regular basis depending on your dental history. If you haven’t been to the dentist in several years, x-rays are especially important because they give the dentist a baseline for your teeth so they can monitor your oral health during the coming appointments. Most dental patients will have x-rays taken every year or so, but the frequency will depend on several factors determined by the dentist.
When dental x-rays are taken, the process will be explained by your dental hygienist or dentist. You’re usually given a lead apron to place over your chest and upper torso while you sit upright in the dental examination chair. Next, x-ray film sensors are placed in your mouth, and the x-ray machine is positioned to capture images of your teeth and jaw bone. It’s a very quick process that produces almost instantaneous results so your dentist can spot any problems with your teeth that aren’t visible to the naked eye.
Clean Teeth
After x-rays of your teeth are successfully taken, a dental hygienist will get to work on cleaning your teeth. Before starting the process, you’ll usually be given a small apron to catch water, mouthwash, toothpaste, blood, or other material that could splatter or drip during the cleaning. You may also be given goggles to keep anything from splashing into your eyes.
Once you’re prepared for the cleaning, the hygienist will scrape tartar and plaque from your teeth with a small metal scraper and a handheld mirror. Each tooth will be scraped to remove as much buildup as possible, then rinsed with a jet of water.
The final step in this part of the appointment is flossing and brushing your teeth! This process is slightly more in-depth than the type of treatment you can do yourself at home. The tooth brushing in particular usually utilizes an abrasive polishing paste and a motorized toothbrush.
Dentist Examination
The final step in your teeth cleaning appointment is for the dentist to examine your teeth and x-rays to make sure there are no problems evident. Depending on what the dentist finds when they perform the examination, this part of your appointment could take only a few minutes or be more intensive. This is the perfect time to ask your dentist any questions you might have about your at-home oral care routine, or bring up any issues you’ve noticed with your teeth.
Regular visits to the dentist are important for keeping your teeth clean and healthy. With regular teeth cleanings every six months, your dentist will not only be able to help you keep your teeth as clean as possible, but they’ll also be able to spot any potential problems with your teeth before they become a big headache to fix.