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Family Dentistry
Teeth Cleanings │ Fillings │ Gum Disease│ Dentures & Partials │ Crowns & Bridges
Porcelain Dental Crowns
With dental crowns, physical discomfort associated with damaged teeth will be a thing of the past. Crafted from strong, durable porcelain, dental crowns are customized to cover the entire surface area of a tooth in order to restore it to its normal size. In addition, dental crowns strengthen the teeth and can be used to reinforce teeth that are cracked or structurally weak. Dental crowns can also be used to hold loose fillings in place, as well as to conceal misshapen or discolored teeth.
Crows are most often used when you have:
Fractured or broken teeth
Significantly worn teeth
Teeth significantly damaged by decay
Misshapen teeth
Discolored teeth
Dental Bridges
Have you noticed strain when you bite? Or do you have difficulty speaking because of misaligned teeth? If so, dental bridges may provide an excellent solution to your oral health problems. G-Dental32 uses both removable and fixed dental bridges, or partial dentures, to fill gaps created by a missing tooth or teeth. Removable dental bridges usually consist of replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum-colored plastic base, which are connected by a metal framework that holds the dentures in place in the mouth. By contrast, fixed dental bridges are held in place by dental crowns that are customized to fit over the natural teeth on either side of a gap. These dental bridges are then cemented into place so that they cannot fall out or be removed by hand. Not only do dental bridges fill in the spaces created by missing teeth, but they also prevent surrounding natural teeth from changing position.
Inlays and onlays
More conservative than dental crowns, inlays and onlays are two methods of restorative dentistry treatments involving normal tooth structure after decay or other damage. Inlays and onlays are known as indirect fillings because, unlike standard fillings that are completed in a single dental appointment, they are crafted from durable porcelain in a laboratory and bonded to the surface of the tooth during a second appointment. And unlike standard fillings, inlays and onlays do not weaken the tooth structure, but actually, strengthen it. Once the restorations are in place, the tooth can bear 50 to 75 percent more chewing force. The primary difference between inlays and onlays lies in where they are placed; inlays are intended to repair damage within a tooth while onlays are customized to cover the tooth’s outer surface area. Both inlays and onlays are effective in repairing relatively extensive tooth decay or damage without having to replace the whole outer portion of the tooth, as with dental crowns.