Everything You Need to Know About Professional Teeth Whitening

One of the top things that can make you feel less confident in your smile is the discoloration of your teeth. While discoloration is usually nothing to worry about and most often is not a sign of any underlying dental problems, it can still cause many people to feel self-conscious about their smile. While there are many ways you can help whiten your teeth, including both at-home solutions and teeth whitening at a dentist’s office like G Dental 32, it’s important to know that teeth discoloration is common, caused by many different factors, and is able to be reversed with the marvels of modern cosmetic dentistry.

What causes tooth discoloration in the first place?

There are numerous different things that can lead to tooth discoloration, and most reasons for teeth that aren’t as pearly-white as they once were are common and can affect anyone. Some of the more prevalent causes of tooth discoloration stem from different lifestyle habits that can stain your teeth.

Such lifestyle habits that can cause tooth discoloration are the regular consumption of food and drinks that can cause staining. A lot of different drinks that many people consume nearly every day can cause staining like coffee, tea, dark-colored sodas, and wines. Whether you’re a person who prefers tea for their caffeine fix or someone who can’t function in the morning without your daily cup of coffee, the bad news is that both beverages can cause tooth discoloration. Dark-colored sodas, as well as red wine, can cause tooth discoloration, too, if consumed on a regular basis. Some starchy foods like pasta and potatoes can even cause staining!

In addition to the more common causes of tooth discoloration stemming from the food and drink many people consume, there can be medical causes for tooth discoloration. Some of these dental health causes are inadequate dental hygiene and diseases that are treated with head or neck radiation or chemotherapy. Additionally, even infections in women who are pregnant can lead to tooth discoloration in newborns.

Some medications can cause discoloration in teeth as they develop, meaning that if you or your child took antibiotics like tetracycline or doxycycline while your teeth were growing in, your teeth could grow with discoloration. Antihistamines and antipsychotic medications can also sometimes cause teeth discoloration over time.

While a lot of the causes of tooth discoloration can be stopped once you are aware of what is causing your teeth to discolor, there are unfortunately some causes that you simply can’t control. These causes include aging—something we all can’t help and that affects the outer layer of your teeth—and genetics. Some people are genetically predisposed to having thicker or whiter tooth enamel, and some people conversely are more prone to thin or less-than-white enamel due to their genetics.

What is laser teeth whitening?

At G Dental 32 we offer a revolutionary laser teeth whitening service that removes stains from your teeth in a relatively easy and painless way. While there are, in fact, many teeth whitening options available at your local supermarket—everything from at-home whitening strips to whitening toothpastes—laser tooth whitening is a painless and long-lasting solution when you follow care instructions.

Laster teeth whitening can brighten your smile by making it up to ten shades brighter. To achieve this, whitening bleach is applied to each of your teeth and a laser is then focused on the teeth to enhance the effectiveness of the bleach. The addition of the laser in this process speeds up the whitening process and can lead to dramatically whiter teeth in just one treatment.

When it comes time for your laser teeth whitening appointment, the process is generally painless and quick. First, your teeth and mouth will be prepped for the procedure. Special lotions and coatings are placed on your gums and lips to protect your mouth from the gel and the laser. Then the gel is applied to your teeth and the laser is directed towards your teeth. Depending on the type of whitening sessions available, the laser may be directed towards your teeth for as little as fifteen minutes or as long as forty-five minutes.

After your treatment, your mouth will be cleared of the protective gels and coatings, and you’ll be ready to go with some instructions for aftercare. For the first several days after your laser teeth whitening treatment, you’ll be instructed to avoid particularly cold food and beverages as well as avoid staining your teeth. For the first few days after treatment, your teeth will be more susceptible to staining than they usually are, so it’s important to avoid coffees, teas, and sodas that might stain your freshly whitened teeth.

How is laser teeth whitening maintained long-term?

So after those first few initial days have passed, how long will your teeth stay pearly white? That all depends on how you treat your teeth in the coming days, weeks, and months. Most professional laser teeth whitening treatments can last for six months to two years. This broad timeframe is not very specific, however, and that’s because how white your teeth will stay after treatment is largely dependent on how you take care of your teeth.

To keep your freshly white smile intact, it’s best to continue to avoid food and drink that is known to cause staining. While this doesn’t mean you need to give up your favorite coffee beverages forever, it does mean that you should weigh the pros and cons of drinking anything that could stain your teeth. Additionally, you can drink from a straw to help prevent straining and brush with whitening toothpaste to help maintain your pearly whites. Also, don’t forget to schedule your regular teeth cleanings at the dentist and schedule follow-up treatments if needed (that’s always something to discuss with your dentist!)

While tooth discoloration and staining is a normal part of life for many people, that doesn’t mean you have to live with it forever. At G Dental 32 we offer professional laser teeth whitening treatments that can help restore the brightness of your smile. Contact us today to learn more and schedule your appointment!


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