How to Choose the Best Floss For You

It’s no secret that flossing your teeth regularly is one of the keys to a healthy and radiant smile! Flossing should be a regular part of your oral hygiene routine, along with brushing your teeth at least twice a day and getting regular teeth cleanings

But just what should you look for when picking out floss on your next trip to the grocery store? With so many options available down the dental care aisle of your local grocer, it can be hard to decide. If you’re stuck staring at a sea of options and aren’t sure where to turn, look no further. Here are some tips to help you choose the best floss for you.

Consider Your Teeth

Before choosing which floss to buy, consider the teeth you’ll be using the floss on—your own! There are many things to consider when it comes to your teeth and which kind of floss will work best. If your teeth are close together and tightly spaced, for example, you may need thinner floss. If this is the case for you, look for floss that is single-stranded and consider waxed floss. While it’s true that waxed floss makes the floss a bit thicker, it can also make the floss much easier to slide in between teeth that are close together.

On the other hand, if you have large gaps between your teeth, then a thick floss might work better than a thin alternative. If you have more space in between your teeth, choosing a woven floss that consists of multiple thin strands of floss combined into one larger strand might be just what you need. Another thing you can look for at the store and try out if your teeth are more widely spaced is dental tape. Dental tape is flatter and works similarly to floss.

Consider Other Preferences

If you aren’t particularly dexterous, then that’s something to consider, too. Many people can have a hard time maneuvering their hands in their mouths to floss. This can be caused by everything from the size of your hands to arthritis or injury. If you have any concerns about whether your hands will be able to manage flossing your teeth, then a flossing pick might be the perfect solution for you. Flossing picks are particularly helpful when it comes to reaching your back teeth since they don’t require using your fingers to wrap the floss around your molars.

Another thing to keep in mind, specifically if you’re a parent trying to teach your child the benefits of flossing, is flavored floss. Giving your child the option to pick out a flavor that sounds enticing to them may be just the trick to get them in the habit of flossing. Flavors can even make flossing sound more appealing to adults, so keep an eye out for a flavor you might prefer!

Consider the ADA Seal of Acceptance

As with shopping for any of your dental needs, it’s helpful to look for the American Dental Association’s (ADA) seal. The ADA’s Seal of Acceptance is a useful tool for determining which floss on the market has been tested and proven to be safe and effective by the experts.

When looking for floss at the grocery store, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. By following these tips and tricks, though, you can end up with floss that will get the job done and might even make flossing a more enjoyable part of your dental hygiene routine.


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